Hello Hello!
Have you every had the problem where you have so many things you wants to say on your blog running through your head, then you sit down to type it all out and you can't remember half of it? I have this problem non-stop. If I don't write up my post for the week on Sunday then I have to do it after work through the week and I'm "brain dead" by then. So what I have done to try to so this is I started writing down key things I want to share with you!
This month is my Parents 50th wedding anniversary! It a rare thing these days to have someone last 10 years so I am so happy I get to see it! I am blessed to have 2 parents that have stayed together through thick and thin and a very spoiled red headed teenager!
They are a great inspiration in my life.
Last weekend my wonderful Hubby and I were talking when he said something that shocked me! He said "I think we need a serious lifestyle change!"
I have been thinking that as well. I read a quote on the web last weekend that was so true and I shared it with him after he had said it.
"A man's day from work is is sitting on the couch and relaxing
A woman's day off from work is running around doing all the chores she couldn't do through the week"
I asked him what kind of lifestyle change is he talking about? His answer was "To become healthier and more active and to stop watching so much T.V." LOL well that is an easy fix in my book.
I started making a list for frugal fun places to go, Things we need to do around the house and weekly chores to clean the house, oh and Crafts he can do. He wants to learn how to make chain mail. The 1 thing we need to sit down and talk about is I know he likes watching T.V. but how he can cut back on it. We've cut the cord with the cable company and he streams everything. Also what are our NEEDS not our WANTS and it what order do we accomplish them.
Remember we had Operation Clean the Garage planned but due to all the rain in May it never happened. So we put that on our June list.
Also Make-over Landry room went on June's List.
AND the flower beds in the front yard.
As for healthier We have been eating Healthier and he doesn't even noticed the healthy stuff in the food! LOL If he knew he wouldn't eat it. We are going to walk the dogs every night around the block as a couple. He has a gym membership and I have a workout class so we are set in that department.
And I bought a book that I feel we should read together. Danielle at Blissful and Domestic has released her book! YAY!
http://www.blissfulanddomestic.com/ If you have never been to her blog I strongly suggest it. I have gotten great tips from her on how to live on a budget. You can get it on Amazon,
Also on June's list is having both my teenagers in a driver's ed! /GULP... My days as Taxi driver are numbered!
June and July is also when my Step sons come up from Austin and stay with us. So I have to rework the budget for them. We always enjoy having them around, I get to plan little day trips to take them on. (Kicking and screaming because it's not video games LOL)
As for my crafts... I'm still working hard on them when I get the chance! I can't wait to show you what I've done!